I’m human.  Although I do all I can to remain aligned and present across dimensions, there are still times when I feel……. human.

There are times when my feelings get hurt.  Times when I feel betrayed, used, rejected, taken advantage of,  vulnerable, annoyed or flat out angry.  Sometimes, I feel more than one emotion at a time, but I have responsibilities that force me to keep moving due to not being in the appropriate time and place to confront or express the issue.  Living in this matrix we call society causes us to become immune to suppressing our thoughts and feelings.  As we continue to move in our busyness, and ignore what has upset us, we push toxic thoughts and energy down into our being.  Eventually, we become what we are trying to squelch.  
As we pursue our personal growth, it is important to embrace these emotions as opportunities for advancement. When we can recognize not only what we’re feeling, but why we’re feeling it, and dig deeper to expose the root cause of why we feel the way we do, then we are able to transcend beyond our emotions. We are able to ascend.
My method is to withdraw. I go within and listen. I sage myself. I sage my space. I listen to music to target my chakras and remove subconscious fears and blockages. I write. I learn about myself. And sometimes, I discover that what I was upset about, has more to do with me than the other person or circumstance.  Realizing that the offense was not an offense, as much as a misperception, allows me to recognize the thought patterns and mental programs I still need to shed and release. Likewise, when I realize that the offense was actually an offense, and my emotions are valid, it is important to recognize and act on the opportunity to express myself and defend my boundaries.  
Ironically, some people are not worth the hassle of communicating with. Sometimes it’s just better to let sleeping dogs lie and move on without confrontation. However, this kind of moving on, is not the same as moving in obligation to fulfill our physical responsibilities.  Instead,  it is releasing and moving on with an attitude of understanding and clarity.  
When you get annoyed, angry, or upset, STOP. 
Go within.  And listen. …… Before you move.

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